How Societies Shape “Common-Sense Gun Laws”

(from Of course, this thought experiment presumes some definition of “common-sense gun laws”.  The phrase has no generally accepted meaning.  Pacifists might imagine an army with no guns.  Black Lives Matter might imagine an unarmed police force.  American gun controllers imagine an American army and police force with guns, but keeping guns out of the hands of nearly all ordinary people. To make this exercise meaningful to an American audience, let’s adopt the last of these ...

Must the Firearm Debate Be So Polarized?

(from Ed: This discussion is not a policy proposal by DRGO, but does illustrate the kind of creative thinking sorely lacking in our "national conversation about guns".] In a recent blog post a couple of shooters wondered if they could pass the Texas live-fire qualification—blindfolded.  They succeeded with respectable, though not spectacular, scores.   (more…)

The AAP’s Mission Creep

(from [Ed: Mission creep has been defined as "taking a group away from its original goals and objectives through expansion."] As has become the norm, I got an email recently from the American Academy of Pediatrics making a “statement” about the California synagogue shooting. That letter from the AAP President can be found here. (more…)

The 2019 NRA Annual Meeting

(from That was the week that was. Even in its ordinary aspects it was another terrific experience: 15 acres of booths, displays, demonstrations, freebies, giveaways, and meeting and greeting many old friends and making many new ones. Scores of thousands of people all united by one important thing—devotion to the sustenance and expansion of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. (more…)

Review: ‘First Freedom’, by David Harsanyi

(from [Ed: Mr. Harsanyi’s day job is as Senior Editor of The Federalist, and he writes regularly for National Review. So we know his head is screwed on right, pun intended.] David Harsanyi published this book last fall. No reviewer could better describe it than its own subtitle: A Ride Through America’s Enduring History with the Gun. It’s thorough, and keeps you reading at a gallop. If you are interested in anything firearm-related during our past 500 years, it’s here. And...

Letter to a Friend on Gun Control

(from [DRGO author Michael Brown, OD has been very occupied for some while, but found time to reply to a friend of his on Facebook April 14. His description of anti-gun emotion versus pro-rights reason is instructive -- as well as being able to remain friends.] Charles: “Approximately 1.4 million people have died from firearms in the U.S. between 1968 and 2011. This number includes deaths resulting from a firearm, including suicides, homicides, and accidents. Why is ther...

New Zealand: Knee-Jerk Democracy & Draconian Gun Laws

(from [Dr. Faria originally posted this article on on April 11.] On April 10, 2019, New Zealand MPs voted almost unanimously to pass draconian gun control laws in the aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shooting. As a result, “military-style semiautomatic firearms” are now banned. New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardem stated she would be signing the legislation into law, claiming “these weapons were designed to kill.” (more...

Playing Politics, Selling Guns

(from In the past, guns were seen as fairly ordinary implements for fighting and hunting, even though most aristocracies reserved them for themselves and their armies. Then English common law supported the ownership of firearms by the people, and the American constitution enshrined the natural right of defense by protecting the right to keep and bear arms in the Second Amendment. (more…)