Doctors: #StayInYourLane

(from [Ed: Southern Illinois University School of Medicine physician Richard Austin, MD published an attack on the National Rifle Association in the school’s quarterly alumnus magazine (Aspects). Dr. Wheeler, a graduate of the school’s first class and DRGO's Director Emeritus, wrote this rebuttal (in "Letters to the Editor"), for the Summer/Fall 2019 issue. He urges SIU-Med to respect the civil rights of those whom it exists to serve—the people of central and southern Illin...

Murder by Fire

(from [Ed: The little reported deaths of 8 children in a knife attack in China this week recall the horrendous 2016 Sagamahira stabbings in Japan that left 19 dead & 26 wounded. Both remind us that guns are not the (only) issue. Warren Lind shares another gruesome narrative.] “KYOTO, Japan, July 19 -- A man screaming "You die!" burst into an animation studio in Kyoto, doused it with a flammable liquid and set it on fire Thursday, killing 34 people in an attack ...

Kangaroo Courts & PAWS

(from [Ed: Dr. Petrocelli's testimony can be found here; click on "Archives", then "Virginia Crime Commission" Tuesday, August 20. He begins at 2 hours 6 minutes.] On Tuesday, I joined my fellow Virginian defenders of the Second Amendment and testified before the Virginia Crime Commission.  Its legislators and official appointees will review the gun control bills advanced in response to the Virginia Beach mass murder and offer its recommendations to the General Ass...

Mass Shootings in the United States, Placed in Perspective

(from [Ed: Dr. Faria published this excerpt from his upcoming book America, Guns, and Freedom: A Journey Into Politics and the Public Health & Gun Control Movements on August 13 and August 15. We are happy to share it.] Mass shootings are a heinous crime, and for the victims and the rest of the population, a tragedy. That should not detract from the fact that many, if not most, of the culprits are deranged malcontents, who in many...

Gun Control and the Hallmarks of Tyranny–A Reappraisal

(from [Ed: This article was originally published in GOPUSA January 21, 2013 & in the Macon Telegraph February 10, 2013. It was reposted at July 22 this year. Despite the topical political references, it is still an up-to-date look at the dangers freedom faces from politicians who want to "do something" via gun control.] Georg Hegel (1770-1831), the father of dialectical idealism, which Karl Marx transmogrified as Marxist dialectical materialism, lamen...

Raising Red Flags

(from [Ed: DRGO welcomes Dr. Dennis Petrocelli as one of us with this article . He is especially concerned with trends in his home state Virginia, which is a bell-weather purple state we should all be concerned about. And see his interview with Cam Edwards on Cam's new gig at Bearing Arms (about 20 minutes in).] Among the many misguided gun control proposals from Governor Northam is a so-called “Red Flag Law.” This measure may be the single greatest threat to our consti...

Does the Secret Service Know Something We Should?

(from On this July 9th the U.S. Secret Service released a report on mass attacks.  Here are the key findings, followed by my analysis: One-third of the attackers who terrorized schools, houses of worship or businesses nationwide last year had a history of serious domestic violence, two-thirds had mental health issues, and nearly all had made threatening or concerning communications that worried others before they struck. Most attackers were male, ranging in age from 15...

GVROs, ERPOs and Red Flag Laws

(from Following the El Paso and Dayton shootings this weekend, we heard from President Trump that it’s time to establish “strong background checks” and support “red flag laws” such as Senator Lindsey Graham believes can be enacted by bipartisan majorities soon in Congress. DRGO has studied these topics for years, as have many other Second Amendment advocates. (You can see what we think about red flag laws here, and what a good background check approach would be here. )...