What is an AR-15?

(from thefirearmblog.com)
(from thefirearmblog.com) In the debate over “assault weapons”, the model designation AR-15 holds a prominent place.  This model is nearly —but not quite—plug-in compatible with the US military’s M-16. (The AR-15 does not permit automatic fire whereas the M-16 can be selectively fired as an automatic.) (more…)

Common Prejudices about Gun Owners

(from youtube.com)
(from youtube.com) There was a time in the United States when owning a gun wasn’t considered an indicator of what sort of person you were. Owning a gun didn’t mean anything more than owning a wrench did. They’re both tools. And they were regarded as such. Unfortunately, legal gun ownership and use carries much more social and political baggage than it used to. People have formed prejudices against legal gun use that can make guns an uncomfortable topic for gun owners. (more…)

Psychiatrists on Guns

(from thedailybeast.com)
(from thedailybeast.com) [Ed: I wrote the following reply 9/18/19 to an article by Liza Gold, MD, "Gun Violence and Mental Illness: It's Time to Change the Status Quo" (8/29/19). (BTW, Dr. Gold told me she'd heard of us.) Psychiatric News editor, Cathy Brown, referred my response to their executive editor, Jeffrey Borenstein, MD, who has declined DRGO's input in the past and did again, without comment. However, it's always worth responding. Occasionally one gets published, which is a win. If...

Red Cards on Red Flag Waving Politicians

(from statathlon.com)
(from statathlon.com) Virginians have the opportunity soon to vote for candidates for all of the seats in the General Assembly—both Delegates and State Senators. Millions of dollars are pouring in from out-of-state in a shameless attempt to hijack the election and shift the political orientation of the Commonwealth from red to blue. Second Amendment infringements1 hawked by confiscationists2 are at the top of the list of issues presently. It was in this political frenzy that I had the op...

Review: “America, Guns, and Freedom: A Journey . . . ” by Miguel A. Faria, Jr., MD

Let's be up front—America, Guns and Freedom is a bait-and-switch job. This brand new book (released TODAY on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and via all good booksellers) is not just A Journey into Politics and the Public Health & Gun Control Movements. It is far broader than that—which is all to the good. Its 377+ pages are chock full of the people, the events, and the fights that have been waged for decades against Second Amendment deconstructionists and for political freedom at large. ...

Red Flags for ERPOs & GVROs

(from alloutdoor.com)
(from alloutdoor.com) [Ed: DRGO has returned from the 34th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, hosted in Phoenix by the Second Amendment Foundation. On Sunday, Dr. Edeen discussed the problems with firearm confiscation orders. Watch DRGO here at about 1:00, with Dr. Edeen at 1:18. He reminds us that he is NOT an attorney.] What are these laws and why are they so dangerous? "Red Flag" laws are currently in effect in 15 states and the District of Columbia. Hawaii’s and Ne...

The Past Year in Medical Firearms Research

commonfund.nih.gov [Ed: DRGO has returned from the 34th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, hosted in Phoenix by the Second Amendment Foundation. On Sunday, Dr. Brodale discussed medical research on gun violence during the past year. Watch DRGO here at about 1:00, with Dr. Brodale at 1:04. ] From the American Medical Association’s Journal of Ethics, “Gun violence and trauma surgery”:  “Mass shootings account for less than 1 percent of all gun-related deaths in the US”. You would nev...

Mass Shooters and the Victim Body Count

(from janeaustenrunsmylife.wordpress.com)
(from janeaustenrunsmylife.wordpress.com) [Ed: Dr. Faria first published this at GOPUSA.com August 28 and HaciendaPub.com August 31. It is minimally edited for DRGO.] The mainstream media (MSM) have been sensationalizing mass shootings for the last three decades, reaching a crescendo in the last several months. They sensationalized gun violence as a way to put pressure on and force Congress to pass unconstitutional gun control laws that disarm the law-abiding citizen while doing nothing t...