The Virginiad . . . . .

(from [Ed: The fight for our rights is coming to a peak in Richmond. Monday January 20 is going to be the end of the beginning, and far from beginning of the end. To all who will be there---Thank you! Our man in Virginia, Dennis Petrocelli, has been a big part of the action and will be at the Capital with 2A allies from all over the country. Here, he describes how important this battle is and how it began, in the only proper form for an historic . . . epic.] . . (more...

Virginia’s Fact-Free Gun Zone

(from If the Bloomberg-financed gun confiscation crowd gets anything right, it is its consistently beguiling messaging. In the same way that The Force in Star Wars bends the will of the weak-minded, confiscationists use language that requires us first to disabuse the public of their empty rhetoric before we can actually discuss the facts about firearms. In Virginia, the General Assembly has become not just a gun-free zone, but also a “fact-free zone,” rife with ad ho...

UN Career Opportunity Posted

(from [Ed: My apologies! This article, lightly edited here, was authored by John Boch & first posted January 1 at TheTruthAboutGuns. Thank you to Dan Zimmerman, TTAG's editor, for alerting me and to Dr. Margulies who called it to my attention but never intended to take credit for it.] The United Nations has a lot of job openings listed on their UN Careers website. Among them is this: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration officers who will work under the UN’s Departme...

DRGO Letter to Virginia Physicians

Ed: This letter is going out from DRGO to physicians all across Virginia.Many of us are fed up and angry with the way our profession has lined up behind the irrational, unconstitutional bleating of hoplophobic authoritarians. Virginia is now the flash point. We, like pro-2A organizations across the country, are working closely with the Virginia Citizens' Defense League, which is spearheading the opposition. See also the superb December 26 communication from the Gun Owner's Association to Virgin...

No, Virginia, There is No Santa Claus

(from Those who seek to disarm us have an uncanny ability to ignore reality.  The Richmond Times Dispatch piece by Josh Horowitz, the executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, plumbs new depths of distortion on the road to the opening of the 2020 Virginia General Assembly, accusing law-abiding gun owners of all manner of mayhem. Unsurprisingly, all the supposed sins of the gun owners were committed instead by his liberal cronies.  (more…)

The Violent Spirit of St. Louis

(from On Friday, December 13 (how ironic), the mayor of St. Louis signed a bill into law which bans all firearms in the 110 city-owned parks, athletic fields and recreation facilities.  I am certain that felons-with-guns are shaking in their boots.  “It’s another tool to help police keep our playground and recreation facilities safe,” said Jacob Long, the mayor’s director of communications.  Prior to the passage of the law, Alderman Bret Narayan predicted that this reclassificat...

The Bill for Our Rights

(from [Ed: We have published this piece annually since 2015 for Bill of Rights Day each December 15. The  Bill’s Second Amendment is the reason for our being, in more ways than one.] On Sunday we all should have been jubilantly celebrating the 226th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the original 10 amendments to the United States’ federal constitution. Remarkably, it slipped by relatively unremarked. Yet our Bill of Rights may actually be the ...

The Bloomberg Manifesto

(from On December 1, former NYC mayor, now private sector Democrat Presidential candidate, Michael Bloomberg wrote an accusatory Chicago Tribune Commentary, “NRA appeal to the Supreme Court puts gun laws at risk”. We certainly hope so! This polemic should actually be read by gun owners as a clarion call to get busy supporting our rights. This man has our Second Amendment in his crosshairs and is willing to spend vast (to us, not him) sums of money to see strip us of them, ...