Review: “The Morality of Self-Defense & Military Action” by David Kopel

When this book came out in 2017, I was eager to read and review it. David Kopel is a colleague whose work I have admired for years. This is his magnum opus (so far anyway). No one knows more about the legal aspects and history of the Second Amendment and the natural rights that underpin it. I said I’d review it then, so this is a promise greatly deferred but finally kept. The Morality of Self-Defense and Military Action is a history of moral thought and belief. That may sound esoteric, ...

Magazines, Weapons & Violence: Words Have Meaning

(from We are in a culture war in which the enemy is using words in ways that are dishonest. Let’s set at least part of the record straight. Magazine capacity is a false flag. The arguments against standard capacity magazines that are issued along with police handguns have the same benefit for honest citizens in the same circumstances that police need them. Current statistics reveal that violent home invasions are more frequently perpetrated by larger numbers of assai...

Your Doctor and Your Guns

(from [Ed: Dr. Edeen delivered this address (as "Education not Intimidation") at Florida Carry’s  3rd Annual Camping Event at Rainbow Springs State Park in Dunnellon, Florida on February 8, 2020. We hope to obtain video and post it on our DRGO YouTube channel, too. Slightly edited for clarity.] What do you do when your doctor asks if you own a gun? (more…)

Virginia — The Fight Goes On

(from HB 916, the Virginia House of Delegates’ version of Governor Northam’s scary gun ban bill, was heard by the Public Safety Committee Friday February 7.  This bill would ban the sale of “assault weapons”, including AR-15 and AK-47 platform rifles, and makes the possession of suppressors and magazines greater than 12 rounds a felony.  (Why 12?) Despite the bill’s wide-ranging ramifications, commentary was limited to six minutes per side. Only industry representative...

“Large capacity” magazines: Diagnosis or symptom?

(from The January 14, 2020 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association included a Quick Uptake news article, “Large-Capacity Magaine Bans Linked With Fewer Mass Shootings, Deaths” (first online December 18). It references a study in the American Journal of Public Health by Louis Klarevas, Andrew Conner and, one of our frequent “guests” here, David Hemenway: “The Effect of Large-Capacity Magazine Bans on High-Fatality Mass Shootings, 1990–2017”. (more&hellip...

Stand Your Ground Laws and Firearm Homicides

We haven’t reviewed much research lately, which is DRGO’s raison d’être. So let’s take a look at a study presented in October at the American College of Surgeons’ annual meeting’s Scientific Forum. “Stand Your Ground: Policy and Trends in Firearm-Related Justifiable Homicide and Homicide in the US” by Marc Levy et al tries to show whether the spread of Stand Your Ground laws has increased even non-justified firearm homicides.   (more…)

Gun Control is Bad Medicine

[Ed: This was originally published at Bearing Arms January 27 & reposted by permission. Minimally edited for DRGO.] Dr. Patrick Neustatter recently penned an op-ed for the Fredricksburg Star supporting typical “common sense” gun control legislation.  I feel for my colleague because I too once believed the medical mythology that guns were bad and needed to be “eradicated.”  Over the past year — I celebrate my first guniversary next week — I’ve opened my Hippocratic eyes to actual fact...

Seeing Red in Virginia

(from [Ed: Dr. Petrocelli plans to write Virginia state legislators along these lines about the perversions inherent in Red Flag laws. This is a good example of necessary citizen involvement with otherwise clueless and self-absorbed government representatives.] I am writing to you to ask that you consider the following information before taking action on any so-called “Red Flag law.”  (more…)