Suicides Not Reduced by Laws Restricting Gun Owners

(from [Ed: This was first published on Ammoland May 20, and is minimally edited to repost here with permission. It is the best discussion of the (non-)relationship of suicide rates with the prevalence of private firearm ownership I have seen, including my own. Kudos to Dean Weingarten! The only additional note from this psychiatrist is that while the final act may happen on impulse, nearly all suicides are pondered for some time, so choice of method becomes part of a plan well ...

We Are at War

(from The world will never be the same.  People are out of work.  Factories are retooling to make equipment that we need to fight this war.  The President of the United States has declared an emergency in every state at the same time, which has never happened before.  No one really expected this.  We aren’t prepared for things like this to happen, are we?   The government can respond to something like this.  Industry can ramp up production quickly...

The Gun Lover’s Guide to Keeping Busy During Quarantine

(from [Ed: This piece was first published at GAT Daily where our 'Dr. Latebloomer' regularly write. Republished by permission.] Given that so many places and events are shutting down in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19, there may be many people left climbing the walls with no sports to watch while they’re stuck at home. Add children home from school into the mix and well, let’s say you might need some help. So here are a few suggestions for activities to keep yo...

Andrew Cuomo: Trading Lives for His Pride

(from On March 23, 2020, Remington Arms Co. CEO Ken D’Arcy wrote a letter to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, offering Remington’s services in the effort to combat the coronavirus pandemic.  While Governor Cuomo was declaring Remington a “non-essential” business, causing the Ilion, NY plant to shutter its operations and lay off workers for at least a month, President Trump was refining his executive orders specifically to include the firearms industry as “essential, criti...

The Twilight Zone

(from Imagine if you will, a small gun club in upstate New York, over 100 years old, quick to cow to government decree and comfortable censoring its own members and anyone else who disagrees. Wait, an American gun club, super-submissive to questionable governmental edicts, embracing the muzzling of speech and censoring its members?  I thought the general position of the “gun culture” was anti-government, anti-edict, and general apprehension of authority? ...

Review: “Deadly Force Encounters: Cops and Citizens Defending Themselves and Others” by Alexis Artwohl & Loren Christensen

[Ed: The "physio-psychological effects of violent encounters." That's right up DRGO's alley, so we are reprinting Gila Hayes' review from the Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network's current newsletter.] Ten years ago, this journal reviewed the original version of Alexis Artwohl’s and Loren W. Christensen’s classic on the physio-psychological effects of violent encounters, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a...

What Is “Common Sense” About Guns?

(from Gun control advocates speak constantly about “common sense gun laws”. The phrase runs trippingly off the tongue. Rights advocates respond that most existing gun laws, and all proposed laws, defy “common sense”.   This phrase “common sense”, as used in the gun debate, contradicts the plain meaning of the term, so it obscures any honest search for truth.  A definition of the phrase is: "sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or...

Firearms During Natural Catastrophes

[Ed: We previously published this September 26, 2017, courtesy of Hacienda Publishing, where it first appeared September 24 that year. It is a timely reminder as leaders are clamping down on gun sales & permitting during today's COVID-19 contagion.] In 2005, at the time of Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans police used the excuse of enforcing compliance with the mandatory evacuation order to confiscate firearms. They went door-to-door seizing guns from the people who stayed behind hoping ...