Rx for Firearms Freedom, GRPC 2020: We Are at War!

(from total-croatia-news.com)
(from total-croatia-news.com) [Ed: This talk by Dr. Brodale is the fifth that the DRGO leadership team prepared for the Second Amendment Foundation’s 35th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. However, we couldn't deliver it there because it was considered to diverge from the single issue of gun rights. But the physicians of DRGO are as united in the fight for people's lives and freedoms in health as for their RKBA. See this one, with our four GRPC talks, on the DRGO YouTube channel or at 2:1...

Rx for Firearms Freedom, GRPC 2020: Red Flag Laws

(from patriotrising.com)
[Ed: Dr. Petrocelli's is the fourth of the talks that the DRGO leadership team gave September 20 online for the Second Amendment Foundation’s 35th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. See each of our talks on the DRGO YouTube channel or at 2:17:23 here. The entire schedule of talks is here, divided into 4 parts on the SAF channel]. . Greetings to everybody at the Second Amendment Foundation’s Gun Rights Policy Conference. I want to thank all the members at Second Amendment Foundati...

Rx for Firearms Freedom, GRPC 2020: Update on Hospital Attacks & Risks

(from dawn.com)
[Ed: This is the third of the talks that the DRGO leadership team gave September 20 online for the Second Amendment Foundation’s 35th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. In Dr. Edeen's talk below, additional material has been added in brackets which he had too little time to include live. See each of our talks on the DRGO YouTube channel or at 2:17:23 here. The entire schedule of talks is here, divided into 4 parts on the SAF channel.] In previous GRPCs, I have spoken about active kille...

Rx for Firearms Freedom, GRPC 2020: Dr. Young on Firearm Research

(from drgo.us)
[Ed: This is the second of the talks that the DRGO leadership team gave September 20 online for the Second Amendment Foundation’s 35th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. In my talk below, I added a couple of things for which there was not enough time on video, as well as the pertinent references. See each of our talks on the DRGO YouTube channel or at 2:17:23 here. The entire schedule of talks is here, divided into 4 parts on the SAF channel.] Hi. I’m Dr....

Rx for Firearms Freedom, GRPC 2020: Przebinda on Gun Control’s Assault on Public Health

(from scientificamerican.com)
[Ed: Today we begin sharing the talks that members of the DRGO team gave September 20 online for the Second Amendment Foundation's 35th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. Dr. Przebinda, our Project Director, kicks it off. See each of our talks on the DRGO YouTube channel or at 2:17:23 here. The entire schedule of talks is here, divided into 4 parts on the SAF channel.] . My name is Arthur Przebinda and I’m the Project Director for Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership. I’m please...

What the Sanctuary Movement Means for the 2nd Amendment

(from tenthamendmentcenter.com)
(from tenthamendmentcenter.com) Stafford County, Virginia has added itself to the long list of counties in Virginia that identify themselves as “Second Amendment sanctuaries”. This comes after a series of laws were proposed by the state government that limit the rights of gun owners. Their is strong support on both sides and the battle lines are drawn. What does this all mean? What Started This? In November of 2019 Democrats gained control of the state house and senate during biannual ...

WSJ Dismantles Anti-Gun Lies About NRA

(from bearingarms.com)
[Ed: I found this Wall Street Journal article by William McGurn very telling, but didn't post it due to the pay wall. Fortunately, DRGO has Bearing Arms' permission to repost some of their articles, and this is the first, by Tom Knighton September 16. Thank you to Cam Edwards and Tom Knighton!] . There are a lot of people who don’t like the National Rifle Association. I’m not just talking about people on the anti-gun side, either. I know a lot of gun owners who have no use for the or...


(from dailymail.co.uk)
(from dailymail.co.uk) [Ed: This piece was forwarded by one of our DRGO correspondents on behalf of the writer, who didn't respond to our inquiries. But it is an excellent depiction of the crazy-making that "gaslighting" describes. We thought it was worth sharing further, edited for DRGO.] "Have you ever asked yourself, "Am I crazy?" If you ever have, then you’re not crazy. You’re most likely being "gaslighted". Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse aimed at controlling a person by...