The Bill for Our Rights

(from [Ed: We have published this piece annually since 2015 for Bill of Rights Day each December 15. The  Bill’s Second Amendment is the reason for our being, in more ways than one.] Today we all should be jubilantly celebrating the 229th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the original 10 amendments to the United States’ federal constitution. Remarkably, it slips by relatively unremarked. Yet our Bill of Rights may actually be the most significant o...

The Media and the Election, 2020

(from [Ed: This is a provocative essay, several weeks old and not mentioning firearms, the Second Amendment or doctors whatsoever. But it discusses a very fundamental issue today that could affect all of those and all of us. Reposted with the author's permission, from Hacienda Publishing November 15, edited for DRGO.] After 4 days of haggling over votes here and there, the liberal media have declared Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the winners of this election. Never mind...

How Democrats Would Mishandle the Second Amendment

(from While every election has elements of divisiveness and contention, the 2020 election was beyond what we have seen in previous years. Accusations of racism flew from the left. Suspicions of voter fraud volleyed from the right. There was no end to the amount of heat. During most election cycles, guns and gun rights are hot button issues. However, the craziness surrounding the Coronavirus, Black Lives Matter, and the character of Trump placed a lot of other issues...

NYC Surgeon Doesn’t Understand How We Can’t Stop ‘Gun Violence’

(from [Ed: I was going to write about this bizarre interview, but Tom Knighton of Bearing Arms (and, just before, Kat Ainsworth on TTAG, did it first and well. Republished with permission.] The media seems to love them some anti-gun trauma doctors. It seems they never miss an opportunity to quote one of them when the subject of gun violence pops up. In fairness, they have some expertise on the subject. For example, they see quite well what a bullet can do to the human...

Red Herring in Virginia

( [Ed: The Massas one "labor[s] so hard for" in Old Virginny: formerly blackfaced Herring is the anti-freedom politico on the left, similarly scandalized Governor Ralph Northam at center, and accused sexual assaulter Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax on the right.] Last week, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring caught wind of law-abiding citizens planning to gather to exercise their First and Second Amendment rights and, rather than directing government to facilitate ...

Are Racial Tensions Behind Surge in Black Gun Ownership?

(from [Ed: Another article reposted by permission from First published there yesterday. Condensed for DRGO.] Gun ownership is up across the board. Further, support for gun control is down. It seems that everyone is going out to buy guns, regardless of any ethnicity or gender. This is a good thing. The more gun owners there are, the less support for gun control you tend to find. While having a gun isn’t a guarantee that someone will vote for a particul...

Dr. Michael Siegel & DRGO

(from This piece is a disappointment. You’ll see. I ran across an interview in late September on RecoilTV by BJ Campbell (also a writer for OpenSourceDefense, which we share on DRGO Facebook weekly). I couldn’t identify its date, but it appeared to be recent. He talked with Michael Siegel, MD, MPH of Boston University’s School of Public Health, whom Campbell names “one of the pre-eminent gun policy researchers in the world”. Dr. Siegel is prominent enough that DRGO auth...

Open SCOTUS for 2A Business! (Part 2)

(from [Ed: Dr. Faria wrote these articles prior to the confirmation of Justice Coney Barrett, but the sentiments and foresight are highly relevant for SCOTUS’ next term. First published on Hacienda Publishing and GOPUSA on September 27, and reposted here by permission. Part 1 was posted Tuesday.] In an article earlier this summer Dan Zimmerman, editor of The Truth About Guns (TTAG), opined that the Supreme Court had been neither denying nor granting certiorari in Second A...