Progressive Language for Gun Control – II

(from [Ed: Stephen D’Andrilli & Roger Katz are pro-2A Constitutionalist polemicists whom we enjoy reading. In this piece, first published February 6 at The Arbalest Quarrel, they raise important questions about the language and semantics of those who would cancel much of our freedom. Edited (and retitled) for space and clarity. Parts 1 & 2 were on Tuesday.] PART THREE RENEWED USE OF THE EXPRESSION ‘ASSAULT WEAPON’ TO UNDERMINE THE SECOND AMENDMENT IS ...

Progressive Language for Social Control – I

(from [Ed: Stephen D'Andrilli & Roger Katz are pro-2A Constitutionalist polemicists whom we enjoy reading. In this piece, first published February 6 at The Arbalest Quarrel, they raise important questions about the language and semantics of those who would cancel much of our freedom. Edited (and retitled) for space and clarity. Parts 3 & 4 on Thursday.] PART ONE . . . Democrats in Congress and the Administration are using the term ‘equity’&nbs...

HR 8: The Threats Within

(from [Ed: SCOPE-NY president Tom Reynolds just sent this plain language explanation of this RKBA-punitive bill via email to members. We felt it gives such a clear picture of the bill's aims that it is important to share it widely. The bill likely will pass the House next week, and the Senate could be where it might be diluted or even stopped. It is cocked & locked, and pointed at the heads of 100 million citizens. It will not be the last.] SCOPE recently publishe...

Review: ‘Long Range Shooting Handbook’ by Ryan Cleckner

(from Maybe you’ve seen long-range competitions on television, or you’ve seen a marine sniper with his long range scope. Whatever the reason you’re interested in long-range shooting, everyone has a different perspectives that bring new ideas to the table. Full of useful information, in a package small enough to take with you on shooting outings, the Long Range Shooting Handbook: The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Precision Rifle Shooting accomplishes exactly what the title says....

Teaching Children Hunting, Shooting & Firearms Safety

(from Finally, a researcher whose work seems to support, rather the attack, Second Amendment rights. David Schwebel, a psychology professor, and his associates describe a training program to improve children’s ability to safely deal with guns. Perhaps surprising to those who read academic studies regarding firearms, they imply that children's exposure to firearms is not unusual and may have positive consequences, such as becoming integrated into family activities as well as spo...

Review: ‘Navy SEAL Shooting: Learn How to Shoot from Their Leading Instructor’ by Chris Sajnog

(from To be a great fighter, your mind must be sharp and your hands must be skilled. Retired Navy SEAL Master Instructor Chris Sajnog’s instructional book bridges the usual gap between intellect and physical prowess. Is Navy Seal Shooting worth your time or should it stay on the shelf? Read on. The Mental Game Sajnog makes it clear that being of sound mind is imperative when trying to be an effective shooter. There can’t be a disconnect between your brain and your t...

Three Roads to Perdition

(from Although for some years the editors of the Journal of the American Medical Association have clearly taken an approach to the Second Amendment that is a threat to civil rights, this article, "Three Interventions to Address the Other Pandemic--Firearm Injury and Death", is more balanced than might be expected. That said, there is still the usual implication that somehow guns act on their own and if only they would change their behavior things would be better. And...

‘AR’ Stands for ‘Anyone’s Right’

(from On the same day that Nancy Pelosi requested crew-manned, belt-fed machine guns to "defend" the militarily-occupied Capitol leading up to the inauguration, President-Elect Joe Biden appeared with Brady gun-confiscationists holding "BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS NOW." banners. This should tell you all you need to know about their near future of gun control intentions. At the same time politicians insist you don't need an AR-15, a "weapon of war", an "assault weapon," ...