A Snapshot of Firearm Storage in America

At the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the monotheism of gun control advocacy has taken root so deeply that their faculty, no doubt an extremely intelligent group, seems blinded to its pervasiveness. Consider this recent story about one of their younger colleagues. In it, they tout the bona fides of Dr. Cassandra Crifasi, […]

What’s Missing from the “Gun Control Debate”? Respecting the Science

[Ed: This first appeared February 26 on American Greatness as “Gun Grabbers Deny the Science”, slightly expanded here.] Mark Rosenberg, MD, MPP, former assistant surgeon general and founder of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control, claimed in Politico this week that there is still too little useful […]

Censorship: How medical journals deny academic freedom

[Ed: This was first published in The Telegraph (Macon) and on Dr. Faria’s website haciendapub.com. DRGO reprints it by permission, slightly edited.] Censorship is an issue in many different industries, for example, The Pirate Bay has been censored in the entertainment industry and can only be accessed via proxies Here. Science requires an ambient of […]

“Medical Journalism” is Neither

The American Medical Association, via its flagship publication Journal of the American Medical Association, is turning up the heat. Apparently unable to comprehend the shifting American dynamic toward increasing respect for gun owners, they’ve featured several recent commentaries beating the dead horse of the  “public health gun crisis”. The November 14 edition of JAMA features […]