Review: ‘The Right to Bear Arms’ by Stephen Halbrook

(from [Ed: This review, edited for DRGO, comes from The Arbalest Quarrel, another version of which was earlier published June 4 at Ammoland. We think this is an extremely important study this year in history, as the Supreme Court makes plans to consider the Right to Bear Arms during its fall session.] Many Americans know Stephen Halbrook as a foremost legal expert on the Nation’s Second Amendment. It is a designation richly deserved, and his latest book, The Right to Bear Ar...

British Columbia’s ‘Firearm Violence Prevention Act’ is a Bait-and-Switch Ploy

(from [Ed: Another piece by our Simon Fraser University expert, Professor Gary Mauser, demonstrating that Canadian gun owners are afflicted at least as much by ignorant, destructive legislation as are Americans. He first published this May 13 on his website, Justice for Gun Owners. Minimally edited for DRGO (but not the amusing Brit variant spellings). British Columbia Bill 4 is Bait-and-Switch. The BC government recently rushed the Firearm Violence Preventio...

A Day to Remember

[Ed: First appearing on DRGO 3 years ago, we repost this piece yearly.] Memorial Day has now come for the 54th time since it was officially proclaimed in 1967. It has been kept nationwide, though unofficially, since World War II, and as Decoration Day since 1868.  It was born in spontaneous memorials early during the Civil War.  Remembering war dead has been important throughout history, even as the manner of recognition has changed across time and societies. As with ma...

Review: ‘Freedom Baby ABC’, by ‘Jane Sharpe’

Freedom Baby ABC is a cute little alphabet learner for children just starting to grasp letters. There are hundreds of these out there, and the twist here is that every letter is illustrated by a firearm-related item or concept. DRGO has reviewed and recommended a number of young people’s books that responsibly introduce terminology and ideas about owning and using guns. (See here, here, here, here and here, unless I’ve lost count.) ‘Jane Sharpe’ (you’d think her real name was actuall...

Gun Clutter

(from [Ed: Discussing an underrated problem in our community, this article first appeared in GATdaily July 13, 2018.] I’ve been reading a lot lately about cleaning and organizing one’s life. One trendy method is some Asian thing where you hold your possessions and commune with them before deciding whether to keep or pitch them. There’s another one out there called “Swedish Death Cleaning”. That last one sounds a bit morbid, but it stems from a basic r...

Review: ‘Showdown: The Looming Crisis Over Gun Control’ by Lenden A. Eakin

(from [Ed: Although this book is a few years old, it was prescient anticipating today's fight for the life of the Second Amendment as written and our right to keep and bear arms. Dr. Faria's review was published earlier at Hacienda Publishing March 29, 2021.] Showdown: The Looming Crisis Over Gun Control by Lenden A. Eakin (Mascot Books, 2014) is more than a book about the politics of gun control in the United States. It is a concise narrative not only about “the ...

Genocide: Never Again, and Again

(from The 47th Vice President of the United States recently formally recognized the death of Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire as genocide: "Each year on this day, we remember the lives of all those who died in the Ottoman-era Armenian genocide and recommit ourselves to preventing such an atrocity from ever again occurring . . . ". . . Let us renew our shared resolve to prevent future atrocities from occurring anywhere in the world. And let us pursue healing...

Your Brain on Range Day

(from Shooting a firearm can raise a lot of emotions, especially for people who have never fired a gun before. A few may experience anxiety, fear, even burst into tears. Anticipation, and maybe some healthy wariness, are more typical reactions. Most don’t have problems; wanting to learn usually makes it exciting. What follows is usually a healthy rush of adrenaline and a good day. After you flip the safety on and pack up, a sense of relaxation usually follows on t...