Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence (CCJ) and DRGO Amicus Curiae Brief in Florida Docs vs. Glocks Law

Here’s the brief from Chapman U. law professor and CCJ Director Anthony T. Caso and CCJ Founding Director Dr. John C. Eastman. The CCJ is a project of the Claremont Institute, formerly DRGO’s sponsor and an intellectual powerhouse in service of the founding principles of America. Our brief informs the court why Florida’s law prohibiting doctors’ invasions of Florida gun owners’ privacy should be upheld. This case has garnered national attention, with several national medical organizations wei...

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Gun Control White Paper

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is one of the old established university gun control advocacy factories. Its Center for Gun Policy and Research just put out this report, “The Case for Gun Policy Reforms in America.”  In assessing the Center’s bias in matters of firearm policy, it’s helpful to note that renowned gun ban advocate and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg got his name attached to the school in 2001 as a major financial donor. According to Wikipedia he has contributed...

American Academy of Pediatrics Still Living in the Past

By Timothy Wheeler, MD With the expected mainstream media promo, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has released the new edition of its firearm policy, “Firearm-Related Injuries Affecting the Pediatric Population.”  The usual media supporters of gun control didn’t disappoint.  Check this article from Reuters, which didn’t even bother with a perfunctory balancing response from the Second Amendment Foundation or the NRA. But that’s OK.  The American public is much more educated about f...

VIDEO: Dr. Tim Wheeler on NRA News

Here’s a video link of the NRA News interview I did on 9/11/12. It’s from the webcast show Cam & Company, which also airs on Sirius XM satellite radio. The topic was the American Medical News article presented in yesterday’s News item.  

From Dr. Wheeler: Interviews, and the AMA

Last week I did a 20 minute interview with the author of this article (copied below) which appears in today’s issue of the Chicago-based American Medical News. You wouldn’t know that from reading the article, since the author clearly suppressed everything I told her and omitted any citation of my opposing view. The only hint that she even bothered to check out opposing views at all are these two brief, vague, and completely unattributed sentences: Opponents to a public health approach say gun...

Docs vs. Glocks law protects patients

From the August 17th edition of the Orlando Sentinel By Timothy Wheeler Guest columnist Why would the Florida Legislature pass a law that prevents doctors from asking patients about guns in their homes? Opponents of the law, now struck down by the U.S. District Court, maintain that the law violates doctors' First Amendment right of free speech. The doctors insist they only want to educate patients about gun safety. But none of the doctor organizations fighting the law have admitte...

Florida Governor Appeals Docs v Glocks Ruling

Governor Rick Scott announced today (July 30, 2012) on his web site an appeal of the U.S. District Court restraining order on the Docs v Glocks law. Here’s his news release: “The Department of Health today filed an appeal to the federal court decision blocking enforcement of the Firearm Owner’s Privacy Act. This law was carefully crafted to respect the First Amendment while ensuring a patient’s constitutional right to own or possess a firearm without discrimination. I signed this legislation ...