Dr. Walensky, Meet Dr. Schwam

(from youtube.com)
(from youtube.com) [Ed: New CDC Director, infectious disease specialist Rochelle Walensky, MD says "I'm not here about gun control. I'm here about preventing gun violence and gun death." She wants gun owners to "Join us in the conversation. . . I want you to teach me what you have done to make your gun safe, and then I want you to teach everybody else." However, none of the major gun rights organizations say they have heard from her. While Drs. Wheeler & Faria's editorial in The Washingt...

Blue Sky and Dark Clouds: On “Gun Violence” Researchers

(from clipground.com)
(from clipground.com) In a current Journal of the American Medical Association article with an accompanying editorial, various researchers express their happiness with  the resumption of federal funding for the Center for Disease control to look at violence, including “gun violence” (because “guns kill people”?!). They feel good about the lessening “chill” of the Dickey Amendment’s prohibition against research “to advocate for or promote gun control.” Many readers will recall that in 1996...

Corpus Linguistics & Bearing Arms: ‘Much Ado About Nothing’

(from slideshare.
(from slideshare.com) [Ed: As a rule, DRGO is the first to caution against physicians claiming expertise on non-medical subjects. I'm breaking that rule here, on the excuse of having studied linguistics as part of my language major in college. FWIW.] Digital “corpus linguistics” is an old idea using a new tool in interpreting the meaning of documents. It uses deep data searches for words and phrases in documents recorded through the centuries to try to glean from context accurate underst...

Review: ‘The AR-15 Controversy’ by Dennis Chapman

(from amazon.com)
(from amazon.com) Dennis Chapman, an attorney by trade and retired Army infantry colonel who served in Somalia and Iraq, became frustrated by the assumptions activists make about this nearly ideal civilian rifle. He began examining those assumptions, collecting his observations and his findings, intending to write a law review article summarizing them. He did, in the Belmont Law Review (‘Firearms Chimera: The Counter Productive Campaign to Ban the AR-15 Rifle’) but realized the subject was v...

An Armed Populace is the Bulwark of Liberty

(from thetruthaboutguns.com)
[Ed: This timely article first appeared August 1 on TheTruthAboutGuns.com. Dr. Faria excerpted it from his latest book, America, Guns, and Freedom: A Journey Into Politics and the Public Health & Gun Control Movements (2019). During the 20th century, more than 100 million people were exterminated by their own repressive governments, police states bent on destroying liberty and building communism, socialism, collectivism, and other worker utopias that turned out to be hells...

Again: Guns, Surgeons General, and Public Health Policy

(from thelogicalindian.com)
(from thelogicalindian.com) [Ed: This is the first article I wrote for DRGO, published June 16, 2014. Remarkably, republishing it now is as relevant as it was then, as Dr. Murthy has become not only the 19th but also the 21st Surgeon General of the United States. Fortunately, he hasn't yet joined in the left's pogrom against guns and the Second Amendment. A few bits, italicized, are updated; two paragraphs and footnotes have been removed. Those data are dated, thought the points haven't chan...

Can We Trust the Experts?

(from theepochtimes.com)
(from theepochtimes.com) [Ed: This first appeared July 26 on TheEpochTimes.com.] Experts have squandered their credibility in recent public failures. The repeated misjudgments by public health experts over the past year have demonstrated that they didn’t know how to deal with the pandemic. Claiming their decisions were “backed by science,” public health experts recommended a bewildering maze of contradictory rules about masks, and closures of schools and ...

America Needs a Resurgent NRA

(from haciendapublishing.com)
(from haciendapublishing.com) [Ed: Dr. Faria published versions of this article first on TheTruthAboutGuns.com on August 9, 2020, and on GOPUSA.com on August 10, 2020. It is excerpted, updated, and edited from his book, America, Guns, and Freedom: A Journey Into Politics and the Public Health & Gun Control Movements (2019). It is available at HaciendaPublishing.com.] New Zealand and Australia like to brag about their purported success with gun control — essentially all guns ...