Community in Firearms

Much has been written and many hands have been wrung by Organized Medicine about the perceived “evils” of firearms.  The minions of Organized Medicine work furiously and insidiously—both publicly and in the privacy of the exam room—to undermine a private citizen’s right to own and use firearms. They warp statistics and leverage emotions in order […]

SHOT Showcased

Several weeks ago I mentioned attending the National Shooting Sports Foundation SHOT Show (Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show). I’ve been asked to talk about some of the things that might be of interest to a, believe it or not, pediatrician (!) at this gathering of ‘The Evil Gun Industry’. It almost goes without saying that […]

Join the Resistance!

Why are there so few vocal gun owning doctors? I started my firearms “career” at a late age—46, to be exact. This was shortly after I started my medical career, and I must say that at times I have felt as though I were the proverbial “voice crying in the wilderness”. Now, finding DRGO, at […]

Credits Where Credits Are Due

Don’t I Get CME Credit for my NRA Training?  I’m kind of not joking. I’m putting in many educational hours toward obtaining my National Rifle Association Basic Pistol Instructor Certification. We’re talking a couple of hundred dollars investment, and about 20 hours of educational activity. This is a significant investment of my time and treasure […]

Toddlers, Guns and Passion Politics

Hillary Clinton’s intentionally misleading comments during the final Presidential candidate debate on October 19, implying that her opposition to the Heller decision was about the safety of toddlers, is just the latest in the gun-grabbers’ arsenal of obfuscation. Prior to the Heller decision, District of Columbia law required firearms in the home to be kept essentially […]

The AAP and the ‘Impotent Something’

In case anybody missed it earlier this month, amidst all the national heartache, finger-pointing, drama, and lies, the American Academy of Pediatrics decided again never to let a tragedy go to waste.Yes, the AAP announced yet another “New Initiative”. Go ahead, read the whole thing—I’ll wait. As if they hadn’t already stepped far enough outside […]