John Edeen, MD Media

Dr. John Edeen is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon in San Antonio, TX and is active in seeking the right to carry for qualified hospital staff. At DRGO, he oversees membership development.   Visit our YouTube channel for all content.   Dr. Edeen appeared on the Safety Solutions Academy podcast with Paul Carlson. He spoke about DRGO, kids […]

Fighting Anti-Gun Bias in the Medical Literature—Part 2

Last month we announced the first part of Dr. Miguel Faria’s excellent editorial in Surgical Neurology International, “America, Guns, and Freedom”. In this issue is Part 2, describing international events around the eternal struggle for the right of armed self-defense. Dr. Faria, a retired neurosurgeon and medical historian, occupies a niche where academic medicine intersects […]

Fighting Anti-Gun Bias in the Medical Literature

“Miguel Faria, MD, a neurosurgeon and Emeritus Editor of The Journal of The American Physicians and Surgeons, formerly the Medical Sentinel, and Associate Editor in Chief of Surgical Neurology International and its World Affairs Section, has written a two-part editorial on “America, Guns, and Freedom.”  [this is the first of the two parts.] These essays […]

Disarmed and Unprotected

[Ed: This was originally posted on November 5, excerpted from his latest book America, Guns, and Freedom: A Journey Into Politics and the Public Health & Gun Control Movements (2019).] For many years, the federal government has arrogated more power to itself at the expense of the individual states, including policing actions that should fall […]

“Assault Weapon” Bans, Mendacious Statistics, And Obscenities When All Else Fails

[Ed: This was first published on GOPUSA July 21. Slightly edited for DRGO.] . A concerned citizen in South Carolina brought to my attention that Lee Turner, a former Democrat congressional candidate for South Carolina District 04, is claiming as truth the following statistics and justification for a renewed “Assault Weapons Ban.” “After Bill Clinton […]

Review: ‘Gunfighters, Highwaymen and Vigilantes: Violence on the Frontier’ by Roger D. McGrath

[Ed: Dr. Faria’s review, first published February 28 on, discloses the reality that was more the Mild West than the Wild West. Lightly edited for DRGO.] There is a serious misconception of the Old West that needs correcting. That is the notion of an uncivilized Wild West, where antisocial and violent behavior was the […]