DRGO Update for March 20, 2017

3 Things DRGO Needs Right Now to Be More Effective

Dear friends and colleagues;

With the start of 2017, our nation witnessed a dramatic change in leadership and DRGO saw the retirement of our Founder and Director, Dr. Timothy Wheeler.

As Project Director, I want see DRGO become a more dynamic, member-driven advocacy and watchdog group….


The organizational model I have in mind is very different from groups that operate on the “We have people, give us money, we’ll do the fighting” model. Instead, I believe strongly in empowering the general membership and harnessing the treasure trove of experience, skills and other resources which, coupled with your zeal, can make our organization a formidable actor. This can be achieved through what I call the “Funds are essential, but we need YOU to actively get in the fight” model.

Of course, not everyone can or wants to get personally involved. But DRGO offers many opportunities for members to make a difference, even in small ways.

That is why I want to draw your attention to 3 Things DRGO Needs Right Now to Be More Effective:

  1. A person or persons able to do basic audio and video editing.
  2. A person with experience using Twitter. Increased direct engagement via Twitter conversations and responses will increase DRGO’s profile with the goals of growing membership and gaining the attention of the media.
  3. We can always use more writers. Some would create editorial commentary for our blog. Others would contribute to our Publication Review team.

If you are interested in contributing in any of these capacities, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss the details of the tasks and your experience.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Arthur Z Przebinda, MD
Project Director,
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership.


More entertainment these past 2 weeks, but always with respect for the Second Amendment.

There area variety of ways to promote healthy understanding of the Second Amendment and we try to cover them all.

For editorial and publication inquiries, contact Robert B. Young, MD, DRGO Executive Editor: [email protected]

New articles:

We called out anti-gun elements of our profession and the positives of POTG:

Community in Firearms, 3/9/17, by ‘Dr. Latebloomer’. This female pediatrician began her firearms odyssey 8 years ago, just curious. She discovered challenge, skills, and a great community of people.

And provided plenty of amusement, with a point:

The Assault Mop, 3/7/17, in which Dr. Schwam wonders what concerned citizens might resort to should the gun banners succeed.  The alternatives would seem to be a lot more creative than effective.

Common Sense Tongue Control, 3/14/17 by Dr. Young.  What if the First Amendment were treated as cavalierly as the Second by the establishment?

Midnight Rider, 3/16/17.  Johnny Bullseye, your Second Amendment reporter, catches up to Paul Revere for some comparisons across the centuries about the necessity of arms to free people.

Media appearances and other activity:

It’s been a slow fortnight for media appearances. So email, call, or telegraph your request for an expert firearm-friendly medical guest on your show.



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