A message from DRGO:
In response to a recent article, a member raised a central question about how DRGO can spread awareness about the dishonesty and irrationality that pervades anti-gun messaging by academics and the media: |
“I enjoyed the critique of the recent mass publicized misinformation of 19 “children” being shot to death per day. I am concerned though that this type of critique is only heard by those that already see the large gaping chasm of reason in the stats. What can we do to make this more public? There has to be an effective way to combat this constant feed of emotional misinformation.”
Dr. Przebinda replied: Sincerely,
Arthur Z Przebinda, MD
Welcome back to the next in our series of occasionally biweekly Updates from DRGO. 🙂 Be sure to read Dr. Przebinda’s set on the disordered thinking characteristic of “public health” researchers and their predictable conclusions. That truth permeates all our writing this past month. There’s also been a great deal of interest in For the Children by ‘Dr. Latebloomer”, our gun-toting pediatrician, who shone light into the shady methodology and conclusions from “Childhood Firearm Injuries in the United States” in Pediatrics. Independence Day is celebrated for many important reasons, and one of them is DRGO’s reason for being, the right to independently, freely critique “authority”. As in the communication above, we insist on that right, which distinguishes above all nations and cultures that respect individuals’ value over social, ideological or political uniformity. To paraphrase Dana Loesch, we will continue to speak with the clear, firm hand of truth. For editorial and publication inquiries, please contact me at [email protected]
New articles:
We reviewed a good book: We called out bad, anti-gun (little distinction there) science and politics: On June 22, Dr. Schwam explains from his early experience how “anti-gun ‘researchers’ . . . turn out the worst type of useless, Pot Boiler studies.” See his Anti-Gun Research, or, How to Gain Notoriety While Accomplishing Nothing. Dr. Przebinda posted three related articles on the reality distortions inherent in the “public health research on gun violence”: In Gun Control: A Passivity Disorder? June 8, Drs. Schwam & Young present their ideas about how passive, dependent traits have become increasingly accepted in American culture, in turn depriving us of the strength to keep the peace. We addressed our profession’s shortcomings and those of the political process: |
Media appearances:
Dr. John Edeen, as always, was everywhere in the media: On June 5, Dr. Young appeared on Cam & Co. to discuss “a study published in the journal Pediatrics says that guns kill nearly 1,300 children a year, proof that more gun control laws are needed . . another agenda-driven study.” This is the study ‘Dr. Latebloomer’ dissects in For the Children,
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