DRGO Membership Update for July 10, 2017

A message from DRGO:

In response to a recent article, a member raised a central question about how DRGO can spread awareness about the dishonesty and irrationality that pervades anti-gun messaging by academics and the media:

“I enjoyed the critique of the recent mass publicized misinformation of 19 “children” being shot to death per day. I am concerned though that this type of critique is only heard by those that already see the large gaping chasm of reason in the stats. What can we do to make this more public? There has to be an effective way to combat this constant feed of emotional misinformation.”

Dr. Przebinda replied:
“Thank you for joining and reading and thank you for your question.
The media carries a lot of water for the anti-gun movement so anytime you engage with them or try to get our side of the issue into the discussion, you’re going into the lions’ den. And these lions have editing power.
Nevertheless we need our message to penetrate into public consciousness. And the art lies in realizing that the vast majority of people feel controversial issues, they don’t think about them. Yes, there are rational people who critically analyze tough issues, but most people respond emotionally.
Part of the vision for DRGO is to help each of our members become “member advocates”.
A member advocate takes our message “outside the wire”. The articles and resources on our website are a powerful tool you can use when you engage.
One simple way to spread the message is to share our writing. At this time, we publish a new article or essay on our blog on Tuesday and Thursday. We post those to our Facebook page. You can share those with your Facebook friends if you like. If you have a Twitter account, you can re-tweet our tweets. The links to our social media pages and our YouTube channel are at the top of our website.
Your engagement can also be one-on-one. You can cite our work and writing in your discussions. This is a battle for hears and minds and such battles are won one heart and mind at a time.
You can also engage by writing editorials or letters to the editor of your local paper. Here, also, our existing body of work (on our website) can be a very good resource.
We can try to assist you with that.
Anti-gun rhetoric is emotional and not logical. Fear and anger are powerful motivators. Whatever you choose to do to engage, always couch the argument in noble, moral terms: “it is immoral to deny people of all backgrounds the tools and ability to defend themselves”, for example.
Remember that it’s hard to “turn” a true believer in a debate. Any debate must serve a purpose. Often, the people you seek to convince are not the interlocutor, but the audience.
I hope this helps.



Arthur Z Przebinda, MD
Project Director,
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership.



Welcome back to the next in our series of occasionally biweekly Updates from DRGO. 🙂

Be sure to read Dr. Przebinda’s set on the disordered thinking characteristic of “public health” researchers and their predictable conclusions. That truth permeates all our writing this past month.  There’s also been a great deal of interest in For the Children by ‘Dr. Latebloomer”, our gun-toting pediatrician, who shone light into the shady methodology and conclusions from “Childhood Firearm Injuries in the United States” in Pediatrics.

Independence Day is celebrated for many important reasons, and one of them is DRGO’s reason for being, the right to independently, freely critique “authority”. As in the communication above, we insist on that right, which distinguishes above all nations and cultures that respect individuals’ value over social, ideological or political uniformity. To paraphrase Dana Loesch, we will continue to speak with the clear, firm hand of truth.

For editorial and publication inquiries, please contact me at [email protected]

Robert B Young, MDRobert B. Young, MD
Executive Editor,
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership.

New articles:

We reviewed a good book:
Brownie Bear Teaches Gun Control, by B.L. Brown, is another well-targeted book to help grow children who know how to be safe around guns. It addresses young children with bright pictures, an interesting main character, and the right teaching. Dr. Young strongly recommends it. In addition , it forms a quality trilogy with Guns the Right Way (teaching adults how to teach children) and Safety On (for educating slightly older children) which were reviewed previously.

We called out bad, anti-gun (little distinction there) science and politics:
Our ‘Dr. Latebloomer’ pulls the rug from under the latest “dog and pony show . . . vapors over the latest ‘child’ statistics” in For the Children, June 29. Hint: the problem isn’t with “children” or guns in general.

On June 22, Dr. Schwam explains from his early experience how “anti-gun ‘researchers’ . . . turn out the worst type of useless, Pot Boiler studies.”  See his Anti-Gun Research, or, How to Gain Notoriety While Accomplishing Nothing.

Dr. Przebinda posted three related articles on the reality distortions inherent in the “public health research on gun violence”:
Public Health is Not Medicine (Q.E.D.) appeared June 15. Here, Dr. Przebinda cuts to the core of the “public health” movement’s political, ideological nature that disregards standard clinical values.
In The Gun As Talisman on June 20, he reveals the dark magic that hoplophobic academics have invested firearms with.
And with Guns Reduce Suffering on July 6, he demonstrates the greater public good that responsible gun ownership and use truly constitute.

In Gun Control: A Passivity Disorder? June 8, Drs. Schwam & Young present their ideas about how passive, dependent traits have become increasingly accepted in American culture, in turn depriving us of the strength to keep the peace.

We addressed our profession’s shortcomings and those of the political process:
On June 6, we published our newest contributor Clint Roberts’ article The Joy of Hearing: Prevention Beats Correction. Roberts has lost comrades and acquired disabilities in the course of serving multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He discusses the necessity of better hearing protection, including suppressors, to all shooters.

Media appearances:

Dr. John Edeen, as always, was everywhere in the media:
Back with the crew on Arms Room Radio July 1, Dr. Edeen focussed on the issues pointed out by ‘Dr. Latebloomer’ in For the Children about the Pediatrics journal article.
Dr. Edeen appeared on Lock’N’Load Radio with Bill Frady June 30, discussing lessons from the Beslan and the Bronx Lebanon hospital attacks, He was on during hours two (23:25-41:40 and 37:30-45:05) and three (01:35-09:48 and 14:24-21:40).
On Gun for Hire Radio with Anthony Colandro June 25, Dr. Edeen discusses DRGO, hearing protection act, what to say when your doctor asks you if you own a gun, and more.
On Arms Room Radio June 10, he talked about recent laws passed in Texas and the dangers of gun free zones in hospitals. (Segments from 16:00-25:17 and 28:23-37:55.)

On June 5, Dr. Young appeared on Cam & Co. to discuss “a study published in the journal Pediatrics says that guns kill nearly 1,300 children a year, proof that more gun control laws are needed . . another agenda-driven study.” This is the study ‘Dr. Latebloomer’ dissects in For the Children,


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