Dr. Michael Siegel & DRGO

This piece is a disappointment. You’ll see. I ran across an interview in late September on RecoilTV by BJ Campbell (also a writer for OpenSourceDefense, which we share on DRGO Facebook weekly). I couldn’t identify its date, but it appeared to be recent. He talked with Michael Siegel, MD, MPH of Boston University’s School of […]

Review: ‘Guns and Control’ by Guy Smith

Guy Smith is a man after my own heart. He’s curious, doesn’t accept pronouncements of truth by authority, and digs deeper in order to prove it himself. His entry into the topsy-turvy world of contrafactual “research” by, shall we say, skeptics about guns parallels my own. We both moved from accepting popular disapproval of firearms […]

More Health Care Professionals Buying Guns

Cam Edwards brought to my attention Stephen Gutowski’s October 27 article in the Washington Free Beacon, “Health Care Workers Help Drive Gun Surge, New Study Says”. We talked about it yesterday on his show on Bearing Arms — Cam & Co, which I always enjoy. Unfortunately, my side of the audio is nearly incomprehensible, so […]

Believe It or Not, Gun Laws Change Nothing

We routinely castigate lousy research by prejudiced academics who make their careers publishing poorly designed, illogically interpreted studies claiming that guns are bad and that widely restricting their ownership will solve society’s problems. We get tired of it, like anyone would covering the same fake news over and over. So it is really refreshing to […]

Do (Hand)Guns Lead to Suicide?

Garen Wintemute, MD (of course) et al have come up with another study to publish, this one in their anti-gun co-conspirator, The New England Journal of Medicine, purporting to show that gun owners are more likely to suicide over time than those who do not own guns. Thanks to Carl Bussjaeger for alerting us to […]

Cuomo, Guns and the New York Virus

New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo is gaining a deserved reputation as a strong leader and effective communicator about the coronavirus crisis in New York state, which has been particularly bad in New York City. His daily live video updates are watched all over the country because of that, and the fact that the state […]

A Day to Remember

[Ed: First appearing on DRGO 2 years ago, we repost this piece yearly.] Memorial Day has now come for the 53rd time since it was officially proclaimed in 1967. It has been kept nationwide, though unofficially, since World War II, and as Decoration Day since 1868.  It was born in spontaneous memorials early during the Civil […]