A message from DRGO: The article describing the theft of California tax dollars to fund anti-gun “research” by Garen Wintemute, MD and his program is of more than local interest. Such bills are now coming up in New York and New Jersey, and are likely to arise in other pro-gun control state houses.Please stay alert to this wherever you live, and fight back! Some resources useful in this fight are found here:
As always, DRGO is ready to confront such assaults on the right to keep and bear arms so send us an email if you hear about such a bill in your state. On another front, we are seeing progress in the protection of hearing for shooters as more states are passing laws permitting the possession of suppressors. Most recently, Texas and Tennessee have joined the the bandwagon. We are continuing to press for national easing of the regulatory and financial obstacles that diminish general adoption of these health-saving tools. See our Position Paper supporting readier access to suppressor use, which is making the rounds through Congress and appears to promote increasing support for the Hearing Protection Act now introduced in both the House and Senate. Sincerely, Arthur Z Przebinda, MD
Greetings, as we get more caught up with the DRGO Update, this one after just 3 weeks (compared to our last Update that attempted to cover 6 weeks including the NRA Annual Meeting). You’ll find our usual broad selection of topical articles and more previously unpublished media appearances by the redoubtable Dr. Edeen (with a bit part appearance by Dr. Young). We are always available for interviews, in print, radio, TV–whatever is needed. Please contact our Project Director, Arthur Przebinda, MD at [email protected] to make arrangements with any of our team. Please join DRGO if you support our mission–it’s just $35, or free if you can’t afford that. And remember to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and to check out our new YouTube channel for our many media appearances. We’re always happy to hear from you, at [email protected]. If you have a question, an idea we might cover or would like to write a piece for us to publish, please contact me at [email protected]. Do right, be safe and stay well! Robert B Young, MD
New articles:
We reported news: We reviewed a new book: We featured a moving first person account: Tom Vaughan, MD dissects the meaning in the announcement of a new research database correlating “gun violence” with the number of gun laws state by state in New Public Database Reveals Bias of Gun-Control Researchers on May 25. Hint: It may be “hopelessly biased . . . clearly designed to advance restrictions on Americans’ Second Amendment protections”! Although it also seems to demonstrate the lack of correlation between state’s gun laws and their violent crime rates. We offered historical perspective: We addressed our profession’s shortcomings and those of the political process:
Media appearances and other activity:
Dr. Edeen speaks with AWR Hawkins on Bullets May 18 about the hearing benefits of suppressors versus ear plugs and ear muffs. Dr. Edeen and Dr. Young tag team on Arms Room Radio, aired May 13, but recorded at the 2017 NRA Annual Meeting. They discuss DRGO’s white paper supporting the Hearing Protection Act. Dr. Edeen appeared on the Safety Solutions Academy podcast with Paul Carlson. He spoke about DRGO, kids and injury prevention, the Second Amendment and the Medical Profession, why hospitals should permit concealed carry and much more. Interview originally published on 4/4/16. Dr. Edeen discusses Doc vs Glocks and Hospital gun free zones on Bill Frady’s Lock’N’Load Radio February 23.