DRGO Update for July 13, 2018

Because firearms are not a public health issue

July 13, 2018 Media Update from
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

Here is our next update about DRGO activity during the past 4 weeks.

We were asked a lot of questions about the AMA’s new (old) stand for gun control, in spite of all the reasons that guns save lives. We were pleased to respond on behalf of the great many physicians and health care providers who understand these issues better than the career politicians in the AMA offices in Chicago.

Questions about how to deal with guns in the hands of dementing patients keep arising. Of course, the answer is “just like anything impaired cognition makes more dangerous”, with full respect for the 2nd Amendment right being infringed. This seems to be the next phase of the “restrict who can keep guns” plan for clamping down on gun ownership, along with 18-20 year olds who bear no resemblance to the extraordinarily rare young person who wants to kill classmates.

‘MarkPA’, the pen name of a man wise in the ways of data analysis and firearms, is contributing deep thinking on a variety of issues.

And we found that one mainstream medical news outlet, MedPage Today, under new editorial management, now shuns DRGO despite the cordial relationship we had previously when it was interested in both sides of the story. Yes, “Truth Dies in Darkness”, as the Washington Post puts it..

2Adoc.com, our referral program for 2A respecting physicians and health care practitioners who want to serve responsible gun owners is up and running. It continues to grow with more and more providers and requests for service.

Last, and most, we are especially grateful to those of you who (with our appreciation) repost or reprint our pieces and ask us for commentary on air and in print. Thanks to all of us, the truth will out!

With very best wishes,

Robert B Young, MD
Executive Editor,
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership.


For editorial and publication inquiries, contact Robert B. Young, MD, DRGO Executive Editor: [email protected]  Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

New articles:

On July 5 (Part I), July 10 (Part 2) & July 12 (Part III), we excerpted Dr. Faria’s definitive 2012 article from HaciendaPub, America, Guns, and Freedom.

Dr. Young shares his fruitless attempt to build on the relationship DRGO had with MedPage Today following their editorial change in MedPage Today Reverts to Orthodox Anti-Gunism” on July 3.

Dr. Hsieh contributed the “No” side to a June 25 Wall Street Journal article “Should Doctors Routinely Talk to Patients About Gun Use?”, from which we excerpted his portion on June 28. (He was much more convincing than his “Yes” counterpart.)

‘MarkPA’ goes on to address the means, paradoxes and obstacles for nationwide concealed carry in “May-Isusue, Shall-Issue, or National Reciprocity” June 26.

In “Why Doesn’t SCOTUS Take Another Gun Rights Case?” June 21, ‘MarkPA” explains some likely reasons for SCOTUS’ silence on the RKBA and why it may have been in its ultimate interest.

In “Can Progressives Dialogue as Well as They Can Command?” June 19, ‘MarkPA’ discusses the general inconsistencies, and often unrealities, of the “progressive” reaction against gun ownership.

Media appearances and other activity: 

We have more to catch you up with in our media activities:

Membership DIrector Dr. Edeen was recently on Arms Room Radio episodes March 31 re: “Complete Combatant” and July 7 re: “Declaration of Independence and Facebook”.
Dr. Edeen was also on Gun Freedom Radio May 5 re: “Civility Wars of Free Thinking” and The Gun for Hire Radio June 7.

Project Director Dr. Przebinda was interviewed for PBS NewsHour and a simultaneously released Kaiser Health News article, both seen June 25, about the problem of guns in the homes of people with dementia.
Earlier, but important to mention, was Dr. Przebinda’s speech at the American Freedom Alliance’s May 20 meeting in Los Angeles about “School Shootings”. His entire presentation, “Bad Medicine, the Public Health Attack on the Second Amendment”, is well worth seeing.
On May 14, Dr. Przebinda also appeared on Gun Freedom Radio to discuss 2Adoc.com, the “public health” gun research agenda, and what to do when your doctor asks about your guns.

Executive Editor Dr. Young was
— interviewed in “Should People with Dementia and Alzheimer’s Keep Their Guns?” on WHEC-TV, 7/9/18.
— quoted in “The American Medical Association’s Unhealthy Gun Control Agenda” in Gunpowder Magazine, 6/22/18.
— quoted in “Docs’ group: AMA proves itself to be more political than medical” 6/15/18 at OneNewsNow.com (American Family Association).
–quoted in “Pro-gun docs say AMA has it wrong on gun control” 6/14/18 at Guns.com.

We appreciate your work and your supporting ours, publishing our writing, interviewing us, and together confronting irrational, hoplophobic media and politics that would deeply infringe our constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Linking and republication are welcome with attribution to the author and to Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership.  Please ask.  We can edit further if needed.

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