A message from DRGO: Dr. John R. Lott, Jr., Ph.D. is the indispensable man of pro-Second Amendment research. For nearly 30 years, his primary work has been detailed, comprehensive work documenting the value of legal firearm ownership and use in the United States. |
The anti-gunners hate him because they cannot match his depth of expertise and unimpeachable findings, to the point that they refuse to appear with him in broadcast debate. Their only recourse has been to try to defame him, which has failed time after time.
DRGO is skilled at analyzing the superficial studies of anti-gun academics. But as a volunteer operation without funding, we can’t produce our own independent research. Now Dr. Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center is nearing the same predicament. From CPRC’s latest email update last week: “We have a lot of work to do . . . It it will take some time and resources for us to respond to all the new studies that are coming out . . . Unfortunately, the CPRC is literally almost out of money. Donations have fallen off dramatically since the election. Many seem to think that the battle for ensuring people’s safety is over, but I believe that we have a once in a lifetime opportunity that we need to take advantage of . . . Right now I am not getting paid for my work. Our research assistants are still getting paid, but even that we can’t keep going for much longer. Over the last four years, I have only used these emails to directly ask for donations a couple of times previously, but any help would be greatly appreciated.” There is no one and no other organization doing the original research that Dr. Lott and the CPRC does. In a very real way, his work (generating innumerable articles, interviews and talks, along with his books) is the foundation for much of pro-gun rights arguments and policies. You can learn a lot more about the organization and Dr. Lott’s activities by perusing its website and by viewing a presentation here. Please donate as much as you can afford to CPRC here. I will. Sincerely yours,
Major news broke March 27 as “DRGO Releases Position Paper Supporting Access to Firearms Suppressors”. The Hearing Protection Act is on the table in Congress, which is intended to reduce hearing loss from gunfire by deregulating suppressors from the 1934 National Firearms Act and promoting their wider use. This summary of real, settled science is being distributed to Congressional offices for their reference during deliberations. Download your own copy here. For editorial and publication inquiries, contact: Robert B. Young, MD, DRGO Executive Editor at [email protected]
New articles:
We are addressing real public health needs: First, the above-noted white paper from DRGO advocating deregulation of suppressors for strong public health reasons. Dr. Margulies shared another discussion about blunt force trauma as a lethal threat in confrontations that may require a proportionate, lethal response. “Understanding Blunt Force Trauma Lethality: An Interview with Dr. Robert Margulies” ran in December 2015 in the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network’s eJournal and is reprinted on DRGO by permission in two parts, March 28 and March 30. Dr. Margulies’ analyses will provide the foundation for another DRGO white paper on this subject. We addressed a serious risk to health facilities: Dr. Edeen wrote about “Hospital Terror in Kabul: Coming to Your Country Soon” March 21. This event exemplifies the target-rich environment that hospitals present for terrorist onslaughts. This builds on Dr. Edeen’s previous work warning about this risk at DRGO and in USCCA’s Concealed Carry magazine. And as usual, we offered a historical perspective with a point: Your Second Amendment reporter, Johnny Bullseye (aka Dr. Schwam) is back, interviewing the original American “Director of Homeland Security”, Geronimo of the Chiricuaha Apache. The necessity of armed self-defense of individuals and threatened minorities was as important in the 19th century as in the 21st.
Media appearances and other activity:
Dr. Edeen has been VERY busy and in demand this year as a guest on a number of shows, to which we’re just catching up: Dr. Edeen appeared on the Safety Solutions Academy podcast with Paul Carlson. He spoke about DRGO, kids and injury prevention, the Second Amendment and the Medical Profession, why hospitals should permit concealed carry and much more. Interview originally published on 4/4/16. Dr. Edeen on the Roadgunner podcast talking about DRGO, what you should tell your doctor when asked if you have guns in the home, Gun Free Zone liability, Justice Scalia’s death, Appleseed and the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Interview originally published on 2/22/16. [Dr. Edeen’s segment begins at marker 5:55] Dr. Edeen called in to ArmsRoomRadio to talk about possible legislation establishing liability for establishments that make themselves gun free zones, holding them accountable for the security of their patrons. References the article he co-authored with Dr. Andrew Crisologo, titled “Gun Free Zones: Who is Liable?“. Interview originally published on 2/13/16. [Dr. Edeen’s segment begins at marker 15:00] Dr. Edeen on Lock N Load with Bill Frady discusses Gun Free Zones in hospitals, GunLobbyWatch and David Codrea’s investigation revealing it to be a Bloomberg-funded group, an overview of the DRGO leadership team, Dr. Miguel Faria’s recent article on the use of deadly force, as well as extremity trauma and wound ballistics. Originally published on 2/16/16. Dr. Edeen on Lock N Load with Bill Frady discusses critiquing anti-gun research, Gun-Free Zones and what to do when your doctor asks about guns. Originally published on 2/4/16. Dr. Edeen discussing President Obama’s gun-control executive orders with Dimitri Vassilaros. Originally published by 1DimitriRadio on 1/17/16. Dr. Edeen discussing President Obama’s Executive Actions regarding reporting some mental health patients to NICS and DRGO activities on ArmsRoomRadio. Originally published on 1/9/16. [Dr. Edeen’s segment begins at marker 1:06:25] Dr. Young was quoted in medical and firearm media for DRGO: Interviewed for “Gun Owners of America stress pro-gun changes to American Healthcare Act” 3/23/17 on Guns.com. Quoted in “Most Physician Groups Pleased ‘Gun Gag Law’ Is Overturned” 2/21/17 in MedPage Today.