Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership is now a project of the Second Amendment Foundation
The Second Amendment Foundation announces a new association with Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO). DRGO is a nationwide network of 1,400 medical doctors, other health care professionals, scientists, and others who support the safe and lawful use of firearms for any legitimate purpose.
The founder and director of DRGO is Timothy Wheeler, MD, a southern California surgeon. Since its founding in 1994, DRGO has effectively countered the public health assault on gun owners with media appearances, opinion articles, and public speaking.
DRGO ends a happy and productive 17 year relationship with the Claremont Institute, a southern California think tank dedicated to advancing the founding principles of America. DRGO’s new association with the Second Amendment Foundation will allow more timely and direct involvement in the political movement against public health activists who want to revoke our Second Amendment rights.
DRGO Welcomes other health professionals and students who are alarmed at organized medicine’s attempts to promote gun control.