Dr. John Edeen is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon in San Antonio, TX and is active in seeking the right to carry for qualified hospital staff. At DRGO, he oversees membership development.
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Dr. Edeen appeared on the Safety Solutions Academy podcast with Paul Carlson. He spoke about DRGO, kids and injury prevention, the Second Amendment and the Medical Profession, why hospitals should permit concealed carry and much more. Interview originally published on 4/4/16.
Dr. Edeen on the Roadgunner podcast talking about DRGO, what you should tell your doctor when asked if you have guns in the home, Gun Free Zone liability, Justice Scalia’s death, Appleseed and the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Interview originally published on 2/22/16. [Dr. Edeen’s segment begins at marker 5:55]
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Dr. Edeen called in to ArmsRoomRadio to talk about possible legislation establishing liability for establishments that make themselves gun free zones, holding them accountable for the security of their patrons. References the article he co-authored with Dr. Andrew Crisologo, titled “Gun Free Zones: Who is Liable?“. Interview originally published on 2/13/16. [Dr. Edeen’s segment begins at marker 15:00]
Dr. Edeen on Lock N Load with Bill Frady discusses Gun Free Zones in hospitals, GunLobbyWatch and David Codrea’s investigation revealing it to be a Bloomberg-funded group, an overview of the DRGO leadership team, Dr. Miguel Faria’s recent article on the use of deadly force, as well as extremity trauma and wound ballistics. Originally published on 2/16/16.
Dr. Edeen on Lock N Load with Bill Frady discusses critiquing anti-gun research, Gun-Free Zones and what to do when your doctor asks about guns. Originally published on 2/4/16.
Dr. Edeen discussing President Obama’s gun-control executive orders with Dimitri Vassilaros. Originally published by 1DimitriRadio on 1/17/16.
Dr. Edeen discussing President Obama’s Executive Actions regarding reporting some mental health patients to NICS and DRGO activities on ArmsRoomRadio. Originally published on 1/9/16. [Dr. Edeen’s segment begins at marker 1:06:25]
Dr. Edeen on Armed American Radio with Mark Walters talking about the New England Journal of Medicine’s article Rooting Out Gun Violence. Originally published on 12/20/2015 [Dr. Edeen’s segment begins at marker 15:20]
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Dr. Edeen on the Handgun World Podcast talking about gun-free zones, the terrorist threat against hospitals and DRGO. Originally published on 10/18/2015
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Dr. Edeen on Tom Gresham’s GUNTALK®, the only nationally syndicated radio talk show about firearms, discussing doctors asking their patients about firearm ownership. Originally published on 10/11/2015
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Dr. Edeen on GunTalkAZ talking about DRGO, its history, mission and activity. [Dr. Edeen’s segment starts at marker 17:00] Originally published on 10/10/2015
Dr. Edeen appeared on Episode 3 of the Safety Solutions Academy’s YouTube show “The Protected Life Weekly”. With host, Paul Carlson and guests Rob Pincus and Caleb Causey he discussed preparedness, trauma treatment, first aid life saving equipment and medical preparedness. Show originally streamed on 10/1/15 – the day of the Umpqua Community College shooting.
Dr. Edeen and Dr. Wheeler interviewed by Mark Walters of Armed America Radio about the history of DRGO. Originally aired by AAR on 9/27/2015 [Interview starts at marker 29:58
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Dr. Edeen appeared on the news segment of the Polite Society Podcast to talk about the recenet domestic terrorist attack in Chattanooga. Originally published on 8/1/2015
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Dr. Edeen appeared on the Polite Society Podcast to talk about the restriction on carrying firearms and knives in San Antonio, Texas and elsewhere in the country. Originally published on 6/24/2015
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Dr. Edeen appeared as a co-host of the Polite Society Podcast to talk about the tragic shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in South. Originally published on 6/22/2015
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Dr. Edeen appeared on the Handgun World Podcast with Bob Mayne. He spoke about the dangers faced by medical staff in Gun Free Zone hospitals and Gun Free Zones in general. He also spoke about his article in San Antonio Medicine and the five stages of planning and executing a Rapid Mass Murder. Originally published by Handgun World Podcast on 4/12/2015
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Dr. Edeen on the Polite Society Podcast. He spoke with the show’s hosts, Rob Morse and John Richardson, about DRGO as well as his experiences in pursuing changes in “Gun Free Zone” policies of hospitals in Texas. Originally aired by Polite Society Podcast on 4/2/2015
Dr. Edeen called in to an episode of Gun Talk. He spoke with the show’s host, Tom Gresham, about his experiences in trying to overturn “Gun Free Zone” policies of hospitals in Texas. Originally aired by Gun Talk on 3/29/2015
Dr. Edeen was interviewed by Mark Walters of Armed America Radio. They spoke about the way medical associations, particularly pediatric specialties, inject themselves into gun safety concerns without their physicians being appropriately trained or qualified to discuss the matter. He points out that this foray is outside the scope of practice of physicians because no medical school, residency training program or professional association provides gun safety training. Dr. Edeen’s interview starts at 33 minutes and 50 seconds into the segment, below. Originally aired by AAR on 3/22/2015
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