Doctors Clueless About Guns

Here’s another media doctor jumping on the “guns are a public health problem” bandwagon. Hey, I know it can sometimes be hard to meet publishing deadlines, but someone with an MD degree who holds himself out to the public as an expert really needs to get it right. I am forever amazed at how many medical doctors think they are experts on firearms just because they don’t like that some folks get shot.

Dr. Manoj Jain, writing for the Memphis Commercial Appeal, clearly has no understanding of why Congress defunded the CDC’s gun research in the 1990s. He apparently suffers from willful ignorance of the huge body of criminology firearm research that has been done and continues to be done.

Dr. Jain, I am prescribing some homework for you. Read Part III of my brief history of public health gun control. Since you seem to have an advanced case I recommend you read parts I and II also. Be well.


Dr. Tim Wheeler

—Timothy Wheeler, MD is director of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership, a project of the Second Amendment Foundation. 

All DRGO articles by Timothy Wheeler, MD.