A Tale of Two Studies

(from wbur.org)
(from wbur.org) “States with relaxed concealed carry laws see spike in violent crimes.” October 5, 2022 “CDC data shows constitutional carry states have fewer total and gun-related homicides.” October 4, 2022 Huh? Sure, they are talking about somewhat different things (“violent crimes” versus “homicides”) yet these typically track each other. And constitutional carry (no permit required) is the ultimate “relaxed concealed carry law”. According to another study published November 1...

The Bill for Our Rights

(from arkansasgopwing.blogspot.com)
(from arkansasgopwing.blogspot.com) [Ed: We have published this piece annually since 2015 for Bill of Rights Day each December 15. The  Bill’s Second Amendment is the reason for our being, in more ways than one.] Today we all should be jubilantly celebrating the 230th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the original 10 amendments to the United States’ federal constitution. Remarkably, it slips by relatively unremarked. Yet our Bill of Rights may actually be th...

A “True Public Health Crisis”?

(from rightedition.com)
(from rightedition.com) In a recent opinion piece, the president of the American Medical Association, Jack Resneck, M.D. asserts that 2 recent shootings support an urgent need to end “firearm violence”. Dr. Resneck seems little aware of doctors’ falling into the  trap of being unduly influenced by their most recent patient. He goes on to state that “gun violence” is a “true public health crisis.” Let’s look at some numbers. The U.S. homicide rate, a statistic that captures all those ...

Dr. Mark Hamill vs. The Empire (Again)

(from sideshow.com)
(from sideshow.com) DRGO member Mark Hamill, MD recently let us know about his team’s newly published paper on how firearm sales across the states correlate with crime and murder. (Short version—they don’t.) Specifically, “Legal Firearm Sales at State Level and Rates of Violent Crime, Property Crime, and Homicides” will be published in the January 2023 edition of the Journal of Surgical Research. It should be available online through November. Dr. Hamill is an associate professor of surge...

Regarding Rubin: “Impact of Firearm Safety (sic) Laws on Suicides”

(from zionsecurity.com)
(from zionsecurity.com) The September 27 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association contains a dozen or so articles discussing deaths associated with firearm use. Anti-Second Amendment bias is clearly present. The cover pictures a semi-automatic pistol and some bullets; they missed an opportunity to show a Minuteman fighting for his country. A piece by Rita Rubin, MA is titled, “Examining The Impact of Firearm Safety Laws on Suicides.” In the first sentence, the author talks...

Mental Health Matters . . . in Violence & Suicide

[Ed: This is the text of Dr. Young's presentation to the Second Amendment Foundation's 2022 Gun Rights Policy Conference October 2, 2022. The video is posted here, beginning at 1:46:45.] We need to be concerned about ALL violence, not just with firearms because guns are NOT the issue.  Gun owners and those with mental illness are stigmatized by the ignorant. We must challenge the perception that either guns or mental illness are primary problems, while doing everything we can to pr...

“Assault Weapon” Bans, Mendacious Statistics, And Obscenities When All Else Fails

[Ed: This was first published on GOPUSA July 21. Slightly edited for DRGO.] . A concerned citizen in South Carolina brought to my attention that Lee Turner, a former Democrat congressional candidate for South Carolina District 04, is claiming as truth the following statistics and justification for a renewed “Assault Weapons Ban.” “After Bill Clinton banned assault weapons in 1994, mass shooting deaths dropped by 43%. After the Republican Congress let the ban expire in 2004, they sh...

Dr. Edeen Tells Texas to Keep Its Children Well

(from buckeyefirearm.org)
(from buckeyefirearm.org) [Ed: DRGO's Dr. John Edeen delivered this testimony on June 23 to the Texas legislature's Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety strongly advocating effective school protection of our children, which is DRGO's long-held position.] Thank you, Chairman White, for inviting me to give my testimony today. My name is John Edeen, MD.  I am a pediatric orthopedic surgeon who has practiced in San Antonio for almost 25 years. I am a Navy veteran and a firea...