This new national poll from Rasmussen finds that 43% of likely U.S. voters trust the GOP more than Democrats when it comes to gun control. Slightly fewer (41%) still trust Democrats more. Seventeen percent (17%) are undecided.
It wasn’t just dedicated and informed gun rights advocates who were shocked by the Democrats’ gun-grabbing rampage of the last 6 months. Many voters who don’t even know the issue thoroughly think the push for gun control has gone far enough. At the same time many voters are becoming concerned that government is becoming a threat to the American people. The Obama administration’s outrageous abuses of power now finally coming to light—IRS bullying, media reporter intimidating, and others too numerous to mention—cannot improve the public mood.
That all-out Democratic push for gun prohibition is still raging in the big states, and the court challenges will take years to resolve. For months we will see more headlines casting Obama and a large swath of Democrats in an unfavorable light.
The midterm elections are now 18 months away. And we know that midterms historically tend to favor the minority party. We may just see a correction in Congress that will make life less oppressive for gun owners.