Anger Management Class Required for Ammo Purchasers?

I didn’t know whether to be outraged or to laugh at this latest proposed gun control legislation coming from, of all places, Florida. Probably a little of both. Florida state Sen. Audrey Gibson (D-Jacksonville) wants anyone wanting to buy ammunition to complete an anger management program first. This looks like just another gun control measure intended to humiliate and harass gun owners. But like other public pronouncements from gun control pushers, it offers insights into the strange workings of the gun grabber’s mind.

Rabid gun control advocates automatically associate gun ownership with uncontrolled anger.  They fear the power that a gun confers.  They project their own fears onto normal people who would never think of using a gun to settle, for example, a domestic quarrel.  Gun control advocates are terrified that they themselves, if given a gun, would lose control in a moment of anger and start shooting people. And so would anyone else, in their twisted logic.

Sen. Gibson appears to need counseling herself.


Dr. Tim Wheeler

—Timothy Wheeler, MD is director of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership, a project of the Second Amendment Foundation. 

All DRGO articles by Timothy Wheeler, MD.