The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, representing more than 13,000 Ear, Nose and Throat physicians, issued its formal policy statement on November 18 supporting the use of suppressors for the prevention of hearing loss from firearms.
Earlier this year, seven Academy members led by Dr. Timothy Wheeler, founder of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (www.DRGO.us), submitted a thoroughly researched and referenced proposal documenting the critical role of suppressors as a public health tool to prevent hearing damage produced by gunfire. noise by Suppressors reduce sound intensity at the source by as much as 30 decibels. Even more effective when combined with ear protection, they are a powerful way to help prevent sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus, which is usually permanent. As noted in a CDC report on the topic, “The only potentially effective noise control method to reduce [shooters’] noise exposure from gunfire is through the use of noise suppressors that can be attached to the end of the gun barrel.”
Dr. Wheeler points out that the Academy is not advocating for any specific law or policy changes, but ratheris publishing a “purely a scientifically based observation”. The AAO thereby provides the official medical rationale for making suppressors more widely available. They remain highly regulated at the federal level and are completely banned in 8 states despite the fact that other countries not only encourage but sometimes require their use. There are even countries where they are available over the counter without any government oversight.
The release of the AAO statement has met with great interest and is being covered widely by news media, podcasts, YouTube channels and everywhere Second Amendment issues are reported.
Momentum has already been building nationwide to reduce restrictions on suppressor technology. This policy statement by the medical specialty most concerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss adds unimpeachable scientific validation of the necessity for suppressors to become readily available to all who enjoy the shooting sports.

— Hayes Wanamaker, MD practiced Otology/Neurotology for more than 30 years in Syracuse, NY, holding local, state and national leadership positions. He is a certified range safety officer concerned with noise-induced hearing loss, situational awareness training and Second Amendment legal issues.